What is Corruption?
Corruption generally is any inducement, or bribe, to do or not to do anything that the bribe giver wants from the bribe taker who otherwise will not do or will do. By this broad definition even dowry payments is corruption. We are, however, concerned here with misuse of public office for private gain either for oneself, family or friend. This represents a governance failure and hence of primary national concern. (Subramanyam swami, Janata party president)
I think this is old disease in society. But this was not in wide spread practice in our country in old days as it is in today's scenario. We have heard that punishment were heavy and even ruler have been removed for this type of corruption by people or by Dharmasta-Loksata.
But this has increased in last few years in form of bride of fairy tales. Now corruption has become routine practice. person who are against it find , difficult to live with normal life. Still we find persons with good characters too.After independence we have hoped that this ill will go away of diminished . But our democracy has made its route more deep. Ill practice and bribing has become reality. We have to take microscope to find person working in government and different establishment without this evil.
Recently noted Gandhian Anna Hazare has started agitation and indefinite hunger strike against this evil and making rule and new Lokpal bill. Young generation and people of society at large are with this action. We hope that this make bring some change in coming days. W have seen such change after emergency in days of Mrs Indira Gandhi also.
But we should be care full that this agitation should not be time being. It should make deep route and change in people at large. Ultimately person is coming from society and his or her nourishment is important. We blame politicians , but they are products of to days society only.Increasing globalisation and and hunger for more money is reason behind it.Simplicity is is one good solution to solve this evil.Each and every person from our society should be taught character building by education real life examples, teaching , spiritual guidance and man making organisation. We should give more importance to this man making task .person who is brought up , should learn from beginning how to serve in better way our countryman. Cultural teaching of Hindutva is remedy.

There is no doubt that there should be change in government rules and its management too. All working should become transparent and responsible too.People awareness is also important form time to time to make vigil watch on corruption.Working habits should be simple and reachable to person from corner of country in proper way.person with corruption charges should be handled with strick action and punishment also.All countryman should find out time for such good work. Media should be epostivbe too to help good character building .This is way of Hundutva too find solution for this evil of corruption