Today is Vijyadashmi day to celebrate victory.this is also called Dashera as it is on day 10th of Ashvin month.
Day is is having it's past history of victory of Dharma over a dharma, Deva over Danva . This reminds us victory of Lord Rama over Ravna, man with. Tremendous power and verities but on way shaker Dharma and had ego to benignly person above all and had been on wrong way.this is same day on which Maa Durga killed demon Mahisasur And freed all Gods from harassment of him. On this auspicious day only Pandava took all their weapons kept on Sami tree while on kingdom of Virat Raja and went to fight for king Virat to save his cows taken by Kauravas. On this day Raja Raghu distributed wealth to people brought from Kuber. On old days this. Day is selected to overcome limits of one's kingdom and to widen territory. Thus day of victory is celebrated since years in our country. Rama used combined strength of vanars, rinchh and all vanvasi people,
This is. Kaliyug where unity is strength. Sanghe sakti kalyuge.
Today there are different demons to fight and kill
They are: Casteism, minority appeasement, untouchability,loss of character, individualism, breaking of family, intrusion of social evils from other countries and culture, lacking of values, corruption, fight in name of religion, fight for water of river and land, difference of people traveling from one state to others .inside and outside security ti country
Lots of problems we can count.
But solution to all is only one to make good society with character building and to increase patriotism in all. This is only possible by making them to realize their culture, forefathers, history and deshbhakti. On one thing all get united to get same quality by uniting them on their identity , ic that is Hindutva.
Samuel Huntington has told in his book 'who are we' that unless we decide our identity we can not decide our priority. Our identity is Hindu, as dharma and culture. This is way to unite whole country and solve all problems. For this only Dr Keshavrav Hedgevar started Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh on Vijyadashmi day in 1925. Let us celebrate this and unite all good people and destroy evils from society. This is message on this day
Bharat Mataki Jay
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
On Lord Krishna' pragatya din
Bhagvan Krishna
Janmashtami badhai to all
Krishna was Yugpurush. He was Creation of time and he himself created time(yug). He was very simple and very easy to understood but much much difficult to follow. He created ideal examples of son , father, husband, king, friend and lover too. He is observed as great politician in Mahabharat, godly(daivi) in Bhagabat and full of knowledge store in Gita. He lived human life though he was God. He toughs us lots. He is purna purushotam. He presented human relations with immense feelings for loved one. Let us try to learn something from his life
Janmashtami badhai to all
Krishna was Yugpurush. He was Creation of time and he himself created time(yug). He was very simple and very easy to understood but much much difficult to follow. He created ideal examples of son , father, husband, king, friend and lover too. He is observed as great politician in Mahabharat, godly(daivi) in Bhagabat and full of knowledge store in Gita. He lived human life though he was God. He toughs us lots. He is purna purushotam. He presented human relations with immense feelings for loved one. Let us try to learn something from his life
Saturday, August 4, 2012
corruption and its removal
Corruption is evil prevalent since years together and in all parts of world , may be in different intensity.We have heard that in age of King Dushyant too, darvan asked fisherman to give some bribe to enter kingdom while coming to give his ring. But few people were such and if caught , they have strict punishment too enjoy. As age advances it is told that people are getting more educated but less in morality . It is rightly called that as science and technology increase, moral and ethics decrease.
Corruption was there in our country in English rule too , but average people were leaving with ethics. It was called that God is there to see our deeds. But gradually this value decrease in society. We became free from rule of English people and our freedom fighters and revolutionaries would have thought that India will be having Ramrajya. But all dreams lasted not more than few days. We became largest democracy in world but roots of ethics started decaying. As people became more educated they have more services chances. And to work in service, specifically in government , it rule that work can not be done of simple individual unless paid something. It is called as to put weight on file or to have wheels for files to move.
All people think that this is evil and to be removed. This evil can not be removed by just laws .There are multiple laws in our country and everywhere but this is not enough. Every law has some drawback or limitations. Each and every person thinks of individual gain and speed to get work done for themselves.To get gain in short time all find ways to this evil.
To awake society is good by agitation but all aims can not be full filled by agitation only.
Only was to have corruption free society, requires character building. One at individual level should improve by self to free from personal gain. Initially this will look loss of so many things but at end not only person but whole society will be at advantage.For this there should be proper education system and teach such things. All elders and teachers should make examples by themselves. Home and school should be ground for this practical experiences. Temple, organisations, social forums should be active. If we go for search , we find many individual of such good qualities. These people need to be praised and honored by society. Once it will be custom, people will follow. From where to start , means from self only. I, me should be place to start improvement. Hope future generation will be on this way and our society will make lessons to them. Let us pray God to give such blessings
Corruption was there in our country in English rule too , but average people were leaving with ethics. It was called that God is there to see our deeds. But gradually this value decrease in society. We became free from rule of English people and our freedom fighters and revolutionaries would have thought that India will be having Ramrajya. But all dreams lasted not more than few days. We became largest democracy in world but roots of ethics started decaying. As people became more educated they have more services chances. And to work in service, specifically in government , it rule that work can not be done of simple individual unless paid something. It is called as to put weight on file or to have wheels for files to move.
All people think that this is evil and to be removed. This evil can not be removed by just laws .There are multiple laws in our country and everywhere but this is not enough. Every law has some drawback or limitations. Each and every person thinks of individual gain and speed to get work done for themselves.To get gain in short time all find ways to this evil.
To awake society is good by agitation but all aims can not be full filled by agitation only.
Only was to have corruption free society, requires character building. One at individual level should improve by self to free from personal gain. Initially this will look loss of so many things but at end not only person but whole society will be at advantage.For this there should be proper education system and teach such things. All elders and teachers should make examples by themselves. Home and school should be ground for this practical experiences. Temple, organisations, social forums should be active. If we go for search , we find many individual of such good qualities. These people need to be praised and honored by society. Once it will be custom, people will follow. From where to start , means from self only. I, me should be place to start improvement. Hope future generation will be on this way and our society will make lessons to them. Let us pray God to give such blessings
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
sadhna Mulakat
સંઘના કોઈ નિર્ણયો રાજકીય દબાણ અનુસાર થતા નથી :
ડૉ. જયંતીભાઈ ભાડેસિયા
(ગુજરાત પ્રાંત સંઘચાલક, રા.સ્વ.સંઘ)
રાજકીય ક્ષેત્રના દબાણની વાત ઉપજાવી કાઢેલી, તકસાધુ, તથા મીડિયામાં ચમકતા રહેવા ઇચ્છતાં તત્ત્વોની શાબ્દિક ચાલ છે.(ગુજરાત પ્રાંત સંઘચાલક, રા.સ્વ.સંઘ)
છેલ્લા થોડાક સમયથી મીડિયા દ્વારા સંઘ અને પ્રચારકોને લઈને ઘણી બધી ખોટી અને ભ્રામક માહિતીઓ ફેલાવવામાં આવી રહી હતી. તેના અનુસંધાનમાં તા. ૨જી જુલાઈના રોજ સંઘ દ્વારા એક સ્પષ્ટ પ્રેસનોટ આપીને તેવું જાહેર કરવામાં આવ્યું કે રા.સ્વ.સંઘના ત્રણેય પ્રચારકોને તેમની ઉંમરને ધ્યાનમાં લઈને સંઘની પ્રાંતકાર્યકારિણીના સદસ્ય તરીકેની જવાબદારીમાંથી મુક્ત કરવામાં આવ્યા છે અને આ પ્રચારકોના અનુભવનો લાભ ભવિષ્યમાં પણ સંઘને મળતો રહેશે.
આટલી સ્પષ્ટ પ્રેસનોટ આપ્યા છતાં પણ મીડિયા દ્વારા સંઘ અને પ્રચારકોના સંદર્ભમાં વધુ ને વધુ ખોટી માહિતી પ્રસારિત કરવામાં આવી. આવા સમયે ‘સાધના’ ટીમે રા.સ્વ.સંઘના ગુજરાતના પ્રાંત સંઘચાલક મા.શ્રી જયંતીભાઈ ભાડેસિયાની મુલાકાત લીધી. પ્રસ્તુત છે તે મુલાકાતના અંશો.
તાજતેરમાં આર.એસ.એસ. - ગુજરાત પ્રાંતે ત્રણ વરિષ્ઠ પ્રચારકોને પદાધિકારી તરીકે મુક્ત કરી દીધા છે. પ્રચાર માધ્યમોમાં તેમની હકાલપટ્ટી કરવામાં આવી છે એવા શબ્દો વપરાયા છે. તો સાચી હકીકત શું છે?
- ગુજરાતના વરિષ્ઠ પ્રચારકો માટે તેમની ઉંમરને કારણે વિશ્રાંતિ માટેની યોજના બની છે. સંઘમાં હકાલપટ્ટી જેવું કશું હોતું નથી. ઉંમર અને સ્વાસ્થ્યને કારણે આ પ્રકારની પ્રક્રિયા સ્વાભાવિક અને સહજ છે.
હકાલપટ્ટી જેવા શબ્દો વાપરીને સનસનાટીવાળા સમાચારો બનાવવામાં આવતા હશે. પરંતુ તેનાથી સંઘ અને હિન્દુ સમાજને દુ:ખ પહોંચ્યું છે. આ ત્રણેય વરિષ્ઠ પ્રચારકો અનુભવી, આદરણીય અને સંઘની મૂડી છે.
તેઓ ગુજરાતમાં જ રહેશે અને સ્થાનીય પ્રશ્ર્નોમાં તેમનું યોગદાન આપતા રહેશે. પૂ. સુદર્શનજી, રંગા હરીજી, મા, સૂર્યનારાયણજી, મા. સુરેશરાવજી કેતકર વગેરે પણ વિશ્રાંતિમાં છે.
મીડિયાએ સતત એવો પ્રચાર કર્યો છે કે આ ત્રણ પ્રચારકોની મુક્તિ કોઈ રાજકીય દબાણને કારણે થઈ છે. શું એ વાતમાં કોઈ તથ્ય છે?
- સંઘના કોઈ નિર્ણયો રાજકીય દબાણ અનુસાર થતા નથી. અનેક સંઘર્ષોમાં પણ સંઘ પોતાની કાર્યપદ્ધતિ અને નીતિરીતિને વળગી રહ્યો છે. સંઘના પ્રચારકોના કાર્ય અને કાર્યકાળ વિશે સંઘના વરિષ્ઠ અધિકારીઓ તથા જે તે પ્રચારકની સાથે વાતચીત થયા પછી જ યોજના બનતી હોય છે. રાજકીય ક્ષેત્રના દબાણની વાત ઉપજાવી કાઢેલી, તકસાધુ, તથા મીડિયામાં ચમકતા રહેવા ઇચ્છતાં તત્ત્વોની શાબ્દિક ચાલ છે.
ગુજરાતમાં ચૂંટણીની પૂર્વસંધ્યાએ એકજૂટ બનીને કામ કરવાને બદલે ભાજપમાં ભારે વિખવાદ ખદબદી રહ્યો છે એવું સ્પષ્ટ દેખાય છે. આ વિખવાદ દૂર કરવા સંઘ કોઈ પ્રયત્ન કરી રહ્યો છે?
- ભાજપના આંતરિક પ્રશ્ર્નો ઉકેલવાનું કામ ભાજપ સંગઠનનું પોતાનું છે. સંઘ માને છે કે બધાએ પોતાનું ઘર જાતે જ ઠીક કરવું જોઈએ. અલબત, આ ક્ષેત્રમાં કાર્યરત સ્વયંસેવકોના સંપર્કમાં રહીને આવા સમયમાં એક સ્વયંસેવકની ભૂમિકા કેવી હોવી જોઈએ એની ચર્ચા અવશ્ય થાય છે.
ગુજરાતના રાજકારણના આંતરિક વિખવાદોથી કલુષિત થયેલા વાતાવરણની માઠી અસર ગુજરાતના સંઘકાર્ય પર થઈ છે એવી વ્યાપક માન્યતા છે. આપનું શું કહેવું છે?
- વાતમાં કંઈ તથ્ય નથી. ગુજરાતનું સંઘકાર્ય શાખાઓની દૃષ્ટિથી ૧૦% વધ્યું છે, તથા આ વર્ષે થયેલા વિવિધ સંઘ શિક્ષા વર્ગોમાં ગુજરાતનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ ગત વર્ષ કરતાં ૨૦% વધારે રહ્યું છે. રાજકીય ક્ષેત્રની વાતો સાથે સંઘકાર્યને કશી લેવાદેવા નથી. આ પ્રકારે સંઘકાર્ય પર અસરની વાત એક ફેલાવાયેલો સંભ્રમ છે.
ગુજરાતના એક પ્રસિદ્ધ દૈનિકે પ્રસારિત કરેલી માહિતી પ્રમાણે સરકાર તરફથી સંઘને અઢળક આર્થિક મદદ મળે છે. દેશભરમાં ૭૦૦ કરતાં પણ વધુ વાહનોનાં નાણાં ગુજરાતના એક સત્તાધારી રાજકારણી તરફથી મળ્યાં છે. દૈનિકમાં છપાએલા આ લેખ બાબતે આપની શું પ્રતિક્રિયા છે? શું સંઘકાર્ય સરકારી ધનને આધારે ચાલે છે?
- સમાચાર પત્રની આ વાત સત્યથી વેગળી છે. નર્યા જુઠ્ઠાણા સિવાય કંઈ નથી. સંઘનું કામ સંઘના સ્વયંસેવકો દ્વારા સમર્પિત ગુરુદક્ષિણાના માધ્યમથી થાય છે. આવી જૂઠી ભ્રામક વાતો ફેલાવનારાઓએ અગાઉ પણ થૂંકેલું ચાટવું પડ્યું હતું. સંઘનાં બધાં કામ ખુલ્લા મેદાન જેવાં છે. આ પ્રકારના જૂઠા સમાચારોથી સંઘ કે સમાજને કંઈ અસર થતી નથી, ઊલટાનું જે તે સમાચાર માધ્યમની વિશ્ર્વસનીયતા ઘટે છે.
એવું દેખાય છે કે સંઘમાં જોડાતા નવા યુવાનોની સંખ્યા ઘટતી જાય છે. વાસ્તવિકતા શું છે?
- ગુજરાતમાં સંઘકાર્યમાં યુવાનોની સંખ્યા દર વર્ષે વધતી જ જાય છે. આ વર્ષે તો નવા કૉલેજિયન યુવાનો માટે (પ્રો.કો.) વિશેષ પ્રાથમિક વર્ગની યોજના કરવી પડી હતી.
ગુજરાત પ્રાંતની કુલ શાખાઓ પૈકી ૮૦ ટકાથી વધુ શાખાઓ તરુણ વિદ્યાર્થી તથા યુવાન વ્યવસાયીઓની છે.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
પર્યાવરણ અને મહિલા
To download Gujarati fonts written here

payaa-varNa Anao maihlaa
Atyaarnaa ivaevanaaM ivakT pa`enaao: glaaobala TorrIzma( vaOievak AataMkvaad), glaaobala rIsaosana( vaOievak maMdI) Anao glaaobala vaaoima-Mga( vaOievak taapamaana )vaQaarao hvao baQauM J vaOievak….glaaobala qa[ r(u Co.
payaa-varNa pa`enaaonao ]kolavaamaaM maihlaaAaonaao ivaSaoYa sahyaaoga qa[ Sako taoma Co, karNako maihlaa GarnaI saMpaUNa- saMBaaLa raKanaar maonaoJr Co ko JonaaM haqamaaM GarnaI saMpaUNa- KarIdI haoya Co, taomaJ payaa-varNanaI saMBaaLa taonaa haqamaaM vaQau saarI rhI Sako taoma Co. khovaaya Co nao ko s~aI Ao kayao-YaU maM~aI, BaaoJnaosau maataa Co. Anao Aok maataa.. 100 iSaxaknaI garJ saaro Co.maihlaa Anao baaLakao maLaInao pairvaarnaao 80 Tka Baaga ,saroraSa maihlaa AaQaarIta haoya payaa-varNanaI JaLavaNaImaaM taonaao mahtama Baaga Co
svaaima dyaanaMd sarsvataI khotaa htaaM ko maataanao iSaxaNa AoTlaoo baQaanao iSaxaNa
payaa-varNa pa`duYaNa …(paaolyauSana ) Anao glaaobala vaaoima-Mga
payaa-varNa bagaDtauM Jaya Co.karNako payaa-varNanaa paMca tatvaaomaaM forfar qa[ r(a Co. payaa-varNa maaM AsaMtaulana AoTlao ivaYama isqataI ko payaa-varNanaI ivakRtaI. mahiYa- cark kho Co ko bao payaa-varNa Co: AaMtar Anao baahya. AaMtar payaa-varNa AoTlao manauYyanauM SarIr, mana bauiQQa. Jonao pauruYa kho Co.taomaaM qatau AsaMtaulana baahya payaa-varNa nau paNa AsaMtaulana kro Co. baahya payaa-varNa AoTlao laakpauruYa, JomaaM JLa, paRqvaI,AakaSa, vaayau, Aigna, ba`hmatatva naao samaavaoSa qaaya Co.
payaa-varNanau Saas~a AoTlao [kaolaaoP Jo ga`Ik Sabd oikosology maaMqaI Aaavaola Co JoomaaM bao Sabdao Co oikos (inavaasasqaana) + ology (inarIxaNa, saMsaaoQana, parIxaNa) AapaNaa AaJubaaJunaa vaataavarNa..payaa-varNanaao AByaasa AoTlao [kaolaaoP
payaa-varNa paaolyauSana, pa`duYaNa naa karNao AaaJo Bayaanak forfar qa[ rhyaa Co. :
1. BaUmaMDlaIya taapamaana vaQaarao. glaaobala vaaoima-Mga. ihmaalayanaI glaoSaIyar AaogaLavaI, samaud/nau star }Mcau AavavauM, diryaaiknaaranaaM gaamaao DUbaI JvaanaI Sakyataa rhovaI
2. Aaozaona starmaaM kaNaa paDvaa Jonao karNao sauya-naa saIQaa pa`kaSamaaMqaI Aavataa paarJaMbalaI ikrNaao, raoka[ Jvaanao badlao kaNaamaaMqaI pasaar qa[nao paRqvaI par pahaoMcaInao manuaYyanao JataJatanaa caamaDInaa raoga qavaanaao Baya rholaao Co.
3.AakaSamaaMqaI Amla vaYaa-: vaayaumaaM rholaa ivaivaQa kabaao-laIk, salfyaurIk , naa{TI/k AosaID AaogaLaInao paaNaInaa kraM svarupao paDI, JmaIna, vanaspataI Anao PvaJMtauAaonao naukSaana kro Co.
4.khovaataa ivakasanao maaTo maaNasao vana,JMgalaao kapaInaoo ivanaaSa naaotarI rhyaao Co.Jonao pairNaamao paSaupaxaI vasavaaT, Aaharnaa pa`enaao, varsaadnaI AinayamaItataa }BaI qa[ Co Anao saRYiT cak` KaaorvaatauM Jaya Co.
5.saagarnauM pa`duYaNa: Anaok kcara AaJo diryaamaaM Zlavaa[ rhyaa Co. Kaasa krInao Aao[la, DIzla, paoT/aola naa knTo[narmaaMqaI laIk qa[nao saagarnauM pa`duYaNa AksmaataaomaaM qaayaCo.
karNaao: maanavao jyaarqaI pa`kRitanao JaovaanaI _iYT badlaI tyaarqaI pa`duYaNa naI SaruAaata qa[ Co
1. iva&aanao KaMiDta yaaMi~ak ivaeva _iYTqaI Jaovaanau Saru kyau-.drok vastaunao Alaga BaagamaaM vahoMcaInao samaJvaa Anao JaovaaqaI pa`kRita paNa maanavaqaI Alaga Co,Aoma samaPnao Anya Pva JMtau, paSau ,paxaI, vaRxaao, vanasaMpaita, KanaIJ saMpaita Amayaa-d paNao vaaparvaanau caalau raKyauM haovaaqaI AaJnaI isqataI banaI Co`kRitanauM doahna CaoDInao SaaoYaNa : Nature has enough to meet our need , but not for our greed ]da. vaO&aainak fa`Misasa baoknak)auM pa`kRita JD Co, vaparaya taoTlaao ]payaaoga krao.taonao caUDola samaPnao naIcaaovaI Sakaya taoTlaao ]paBaaoga krao.
3.ivakasanaI KaaoTI AvaQaarNaa : khovaataaM BaaOitak Anao AaOdyaaogIk ivakasa maaTo kudrtaI saMpataInaa AaDoQaD ]payaaoga qaI payaa-varNanao KaUba naukSaana qayauM Co.AaQauinak iva&aananaI SaaoQaaoAo payaa-varNanao dUiYata krInao Anaok samasyaaAao ]BaI krI Co
4.KaaoTa ]tpaadna taM~a Anao taknaIk qaI paNa nauksaana qayauM Co. hLa CaoDInao To/kTr, kurtaI Kaatar CaoDInao rasayaNaIk Kaatar, paoSTIsaa[Dnaao vaQau ]payaaoga paduYaNa maaToJvaabadar Co.
5.badlaataI PvanaSaOlaI, ]paBaaogavaad :AosaI , f`IJ, foSana, kaosmaoTIk naao vaQau ]payaaoga Anaok PvaaonaI ihMsaa krI rhyaao Co.
]paayaao; ihndu Pvana SaOlaI ApanaavaIAo.
baQaamaaM AokJ ba`X tatva Co, [saavaasyama [dma sava-ma, sava-M KalaIdma ba`X samaPnao kao[nao naukSaana krIAo nahIM..paSau paxaI, vanaspaitanaoa bacaavaIAo.
saRiYT cak`, ya&a cak` JaLavavaa maaTo saRiYT paasaoqaI la[Ao, taoTlaUM AapaIAo .gaIva AonD To[k, Aok vaRxa kapaIAo taao, ~aNa vaRxaao vaavaIAo, Pva ivaivaQataanauM saMvaQa-na krIAo
pa`kRita: saaqao sah Aistatva, saaOhad, saamaMJsya raKaIAo. dovataa tarIko paUJnamaaM vaRxa Anao paSau naI parMpara saaqao Qama- Anao payaa-varNa iva&aana JaoDayaolaa Co.
vaodmaaM pa`kuita naaM tatvaaonao dova tarIko laIQaa Co.%gavaodmaaM Aigna, saamavadmaaM Jla, yaJuvao-d maaM vaayau, Aqa-vavaodmaaM paRqvaI naI pa`aqa-naa Co. paRqvaI sauktamaaM paRqvaI naa 63 naama Co: gaMQavataI,rsavataI,AvanaI, ivaYNaurupaa, vaOYNvaI,vasauQaMraa, saurBaI, Qaonau, ihrNyaxaa iva. Co Jo paRqvaInaI mahtaa dSaa-vao Co.
ihndu dSa-na, dRiYT, PvanaSaOlaI,vyavahar,,pava-, parMpara, rItarIvaaJ, ]tsava $ara payaa-varNa bacaavaIAo.
paRqvaI..maataa Co taonao mauSkolaI qaaya tyaaro tao gaaya svarupao Bagavaana paasao ArJ kro Co.
payaa-varNa Anao mihlaa ivaYaya icaMtana, AQyayana, ivaelaoYaNa maaTo Co
ivaevanao Baarta paasao Apaoxaa Co. Baarta ivaeva klyaaNanaao maaga- bataavaSao
vyavharIk vaataao:
KarIdImaaM kpaDaMnaI qaolaI vaaparIAo, plaasTIknaa zbalaaM hrgaIJ nahIM
duQa, dhIM,GaI KarIdvaa maaTo vaasaNa naao ]payaaoga krIAo
ka{paNa vastaunaao vaQaumaaM vaQau ]payaaoga krIAo. fokuM saMskRita dUr rhIAoM
Casa valaaovavaa, JorNaI vaaparIAo, [laokTI/k saaQanaao nahIM
caTNaI, @aokLaaM, [DlaI maaTo paqqarqaI vaaTvauM, [laokTI/k saaQanaao nahIM
taaorNa plaasTIknaaM nahIM, AasaaopaalavanaaM
GarmaaM taulasaI, fulazaMD, laImaDao vaavaIAo
kRi~ama kaosmaoTIknaao tyaaga, kudrtaI vastaunaaoJ ]payaaoga
foSana,pablaIsaITI, paokoPMganao ivadaya
paaNaInaao krksar paUva-k ]payaaoga….
paRqvaI saMmaolana, rIAao DInaoraoo, Aqa- sammaITnaI fkta cacaa- nahIM, vyavaharIk AacarNa krIAo.
5 JUna fkta payaa-varNa idna nahIM, kayama payaa-varNa idna naI Joma vataI-Ao.
Baarta baQaa maaTo AaSaa samaana Co. .paarsaIAaonaoo samaavyaa,,saa[baIrIyaanaaM flaomaIMgaao paNa AhIM AavakarIAo CIAo.
2000 vaYa- paUva- JOna raja SaOaDdova..iSakar baMQa krI paxaI AByaasa ga`Mqa hMsadova $ara’maRga paxaI Saas~a laKaavyaao.
laMDnamaaM..paxaIAao maRtyau paamataaM .. silence spring roSaola kasa-na paustak laKyauM Co.
savaao-cca nyaayaalaya kho Co…payaa-varNa saurxaa AByaasak`mamaaM Ainavaaya- krao
Dr Hedgevar said Knowledge come but wisdom lingers
]da rmaNa mahiYa- AruNaacala pava-ta…pa`aNaIAao saaqao inavaasa, laaokmaanya italak $ara maaMDlaa Jola baaga pa`fuillata,
ivakasa maaTo garuP yaad krIAo hasTna slaaolaI
Bagavaana naTraJ naI Joma payaa-varNamaaM saMtaulana JaLavaIAo
Friday, May 25, 2012
RSS annual training camp
Sangh sikha varga in RSS
In period of vacation RSS arranges different type of Vargas ( training camp) during summer days. This method is followed since 1928 during days of Dr Hedgevar, founder of RSS. Initially it was of 40 days period and at Nagpur only.Then it was at two places Nagpur and Pune. As RSS expanded it's area of working necessity started to have such training at different levels and places. Now a days initially 7 days camp are held at vibhag level, meaning at center of 2-3 districts. Then 1st year 20 days camp at state level and 20 days of 2 nd year at zone level made of 2-3 states. But unique is that 3rd year training camp at Nagpur only of trainee of all over Bharat for 30 days.
When people are enjoying summer vacation at hill stations or at sea shore with family or friends , RSS swayam sevaks go for such training.,
It is told by Jagadguru Shankaracharya that by God' blessings only, we get birth in human being,we get thoughts and work of greatest aim in life and company of great people with their guidance and inspiration. This guidance may be by persons present with us or by their souls indirectly. This is experienced in such varga.
It's very easy to find VAN (jungle ) somewhere but little hard work required to make UPVAN ( garden) but to create TAPOVAN (place sacred ) we require to do Tapsya ... Very very hard work with aim of getting something pure in life. To do so we have to work without selfishness for society , dharma and culture. To do betterment of this we have to dedicate our life in years.
Such opportunity is not available with everyone. Only blessings of god and elders, help of family members, guidance by colleague and last but not least severe thirst of self is necessary. If we don't want, we-cannot get such work in life.
This is opportunity to get training by talk, hearings, and by others deeds. Swami Vivekanand has told' it's given by destiny to discover idea of universal validity among different faiths and way of life to share with others.
God has given special advantages to all birds, animals and other creatures but human being is such that he can over come anyone. E.g. Bird can fly and man can fly too with airplane.
This special gift of god is to be utilized for betterment of world and nature.
Journey from To Have to To Be is important. Let us pray god to give more blessing for such work and we succeed in such training when done with zeal.
This is aim and message of Sangh gita to all.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Remembering Dr Hedgevar on Varshapratipada day
RSS is wel known organization for its sewa work and its the biggest voluntary organization in world as told by BBC too. It's also fact that all people, swayamaevaks , wel wishers,opposite to RSS philosophy and those who oppose RSS theam of Hindutva, may disagree to RSS opinion in many things but all agree on one point that working system of Rss is unique to form strong, long lasting organization with principles of our age old system hindutva with our culture too.
Founder of this organization was great visionary whose birthday falls on same Varshapratipada or Gudipadava day. He was born on Chaitra Shukla 1st day, on 1st April 1889 at Nagpur. He created this organization with unique system of personal and social combined psychology of mind. Behind formation and working lies his vision and concluding result of working with different personal persons and different system too.only way to brighten our nation and to reach at it's past glory is to unite son of this soil Bharatmata.To awaken their past and prepare for nation is right way to remove all evil including slavery . Let us remember him on this auspicious occasion of his birthday.
He was patriotic since birth and self made like Lion is called 'Swayamev mrugendrata'. He was from family of typical angry nature and he himself angry too. His brother jumped from window to save female harassed by guns in street. He was one of prople who didn't stop to play musical instruments in front of Masjid which was not possible at that time due to weakness of hindu samaj. He played important role to guide volunteers at Ramtek mela which wad disturbed by muslims many times. He made group of hindu in more than 10 numbers running away due to threat by simple two Muslimsv to oppose them unitedly. His lecture for freedom fight in 1921 was such that he was sent to jail and when he was brought in court he argued more stronger than his Lecture. Such person when decided to organize people, he changed his nature and became sober . To change nature is next to difficult task , even for saints too. He mastered in this to organize society and cultivate them for patriotism.He never used strong speech for this work.
He had attractive nature to collect persons around him like magnet. He was popular among all from small boys to elders. Small boy who was standing near well is helped by dr Hedgevar to bath in well by applying rope at his waist. This intimacy made him to be good swaysevsk and pracharak too named Gopalrav. His daily visit to Akhada brought many Akhadian to Shakha. Once he had gone to see musical competition arranged by Bharatiya sangit vidyalay and Abhinav sangit shala. He saw good boy singing there, liked him and his art. He brought boy to his home for study and natured his patriotism just by silent message by his own working style for nation. He never told or spoke to him about RSS at all. Boy became rss pracharak who founded rss work in south India named as Yadavrav Joshi. Person playing football on day of Lokmanya Tilak demise was scolded by doctorj saying that on day of duch event you wasting times in games then he joined RSS and became sincere worker named Dadarav Parmarth. Doctorji brought Appaji to join RSS from congress. He identified all diamonds and shaped them to work for nation. He sent them to different corners of country for Shakha . They were Balasaheb Deoras, Bhavrao Deoras ,Appaji joshi, Dadarav Parmarth , Bhisikarji,Bhaiyaji Dani etc.
He had worked as krantikari too moaned as cocaine in Anushilan Samiti. His old friends Of this old work were helped by him like Bhavaji katre for his last rights . He helped many to save arrest by english government.
He went to Kolkata to be doctor and became MNMS just to get well wished for his patriotic work and to remain in contact with revolutionary. He ultimately decided to organize society by practical work on ground by Sanskar making on them.Way to this lead to formation of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and method for this called Shakha.
He remained unmarried ,told no for this to his uncle as his only mission in life was to work for nation. Though-his family was very poor he never worked to earn money. He had no proper things at home to serve even tea sometimes to guests. But he never asked for help.Even people were not able to ask him to get helped due to his nature of self sufficiency and Swabhiman . He never cared for family but for country.
He went twice in jail once in 1921 for speech for freedom and in 1930 for jungle satyagraha. Whenever he was in jail, made friends there too and joined them with RSS.
Once early morning went to meet Ruikar well known communist of Nagpur and told him 'will u like if you have dream of King Shivaji came back to rule' . He replied yes obviously. Dr Hedgevar told we tell same things.
He cared for all. Once in severe hot of noon , he was going to see boy with fever. Once he asked one swaysevsk to manage for hoarse-cart. But he could not manage . Doctorji went himself to manage same and visited that fellow at night to tell him sleep with ease as work has been done, nothing to worry. He always showing letters written by him to surrounding swayamaevaks just for their indirect education.
His name not known to so many people as we came to know in his birth centenary year function in 1989. Pandurang dada told in mumbai sabha that I had come to salute his work of Deshbhakti. Margaret threchar came to HSS function in uk to pranam his work on makarsankranti day..He is known by his work of RSS . He kept his name silent everywhere and he was not hungry for name to spread . His work is his message.
He told so many times to swayamsevaks that you had made me sarsanghchalak. You can tell me to leave this post when I am
Not following principles of this work. I will like to work as Swayamsevak after leaving sar sanghchalak position.
At final destination nearing and death was inevitable he wanted for Hindu Rashtra to be formed early. He told to all that never forget work and never have time in life to speak that ' I was with RSS'
He last saw all swayamaevaks in OTC in 1940. He gave small but inspiriting talk. He told I am seeing small.. Laghu Hindu Rashtra
While returning from farewell to dr Hedgevar from crematorium one swayamaevak asked water to drink from one home , owner female spoke to him : though he was common man but did uncommon task.
In mourning meeting of young Bal swayamaevak of one Shakha all were weeping , not able to speak anything. Then one gatnayak stood up and told all not to weep and just work as all we are Hedgevar
I think this is message for today to work by all on way suggested by him. His karma Smruti should become our karma kruti.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Simplicity Makes any one great and who can inspire many to achieve greatness
Once Yogiji Maharaj of ABPS was travelling from Limbadi to Rajkot. All saints accompanying to him had reached before to prepare food for them.While on way it was late due to Darshan at Muli Mandir.Still there was problem in vehicle also, so all reached Rajkot late by 12.30 pm.
All were worried as it may be late for Yogiji Maharaj to have lunch.But when all reached there, they saw Yogibapa was taking lunch and Pramukh Swami was serving him.All followers were in puzzle to know how it was possible to do all in time., who made food too?
Yogibapa himself replied. it was task of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, who did this work while Yogibapa was doing Katha.And food was super too.Even he had such feelings that he has done nothing
Person who is so simple and this simplicity makes him great and he can inspire many to be great and serve for Dharma and Society
( with thanks from Swaminarayan Prakash Feb 12)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thought on day-special to me
Life is beautiful gift of god given to us. Out of so many creation on earth human being is god's best creation. The people who were with us in childhood can never be forgotten. We come across so many persons in life but few remains part an partial of our achievement. We play role decided by nature but ultimate result comes from effects of our family, friends, society and teachers . Character is build up in childhood and sustained by how we are cultivated. Sometimes our life takes turn and motive behind is not known to us. Patriotic culture when cultivated in initial life makes our future growth in right direction. Few persons have been sent specifically for us only. Those days where education was more of Sanskar makes us to stand in all odd times. Bharat has destiny to make welfare of world. For this so many noble people came and worked in this sacred land. Out of these one was real son who dedicated his life for nation. He was Dr Hedgevar. Way of working was daily system of making character building in person and creating self confidence , unity and pureness. This system was named Shakha (RSS). I am fortunate to came in contact of this organization and learnt lots from there. On eve of of my birthday I pray god to give blessings to continue this yagna life long.Bharat mataki Jay
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Dinesh Patani: Self made social worker in Patan
It was routine yearly pravash for RSS work. I had gone to Patan city. In my pravas we try to meet person who is working for society . Thus it was decided to meet Mr Dineshbhai Patani in Patan city.As told he belongs to Devipujak samaj.
We reached to his home in one locality of Patan. It was surrounded by small laris and small shops.He was sitting outside home on khatala.He welcomed us.We went inside his home. There were 2 females working inside with children playing there.Small goats were eating grass indie its corridors.We went in home and seated on small wooden bed. Dineshbhai sat on small chair which was looking used since long.He was introduced. He is from caste called devipujak(vaghari).He was elected as Councillor from congress party in Patan municipality. He is really social worker. He is working for society. He has got small business to work but his most of time goes for people work. He works for people at even odd time too .Helping hand to all. He goes at even late night to help. From light, water, sewage to all work he is ready at nay time. Whenever any person is dead in surrounding area , he is forst to reach there.He is very popular in area.
He was narrating his caste specificity. They are patani devipjak.He leads to samaj. He told theirs caste is so much religious and spiritual that they never change their religion. It is very well marked that devipujak never goes for conversion. This is typical confidence in Hindu dharma.Second common things he narrated is they have very good skill of trading. from vegetables to dry fruits, they trade in small shop, lari or on direct sitting on earth. They have very good quality of speaking nature for trading. One more thing they have court of their caste. All quarrel among them are settled by nyat panchayat. All big problems are solved in easy way by caste head with small amount of fine for concerned persons.
Dineshbhai was very talkative and had proud to be surname given my kings as Patani. Usually those who have origin of Patan are called Patani.But thought being from small and backward caste is also given same name Patani. few other person of same community also met us including one teacher. It was learn that his son was going to one shakha too.
We left home with meeting him again by local workers and greeted him for his social work
Friday, February 3, 2012
Here are 2 photos of Morbi,
Here are 2 photos of Morbi, One is of recent starting of P. Rameshbhai Oza's Bhagvat katha and another one is of his katha in 1984, before 28 years
For information to Morbi people this past katha was organised by Sadbhavna parivar and at end of this katha nearly 2 lacs ruppes were saved. From this they wanted to start hopsital. From inspiration of Dr Kanubhai Kalsariya of Mahuva(Now MLA Mahuva) and hard work of Dr Kataria saheb, Jamanbhai Thakkar, Maganbhai Patel(kharedavala), Hargovindkaka, Udaybhai Ved they made trust Sadbhavna Trust was started and asked Chaturbhai Patel Kahreda vala, to give his old shop and building to use for Hospital at Dr Takhtasinhji road. Morbi
Dr Kathiria contacted us and we (Dr Jayanti Bhadesia and Dr Purnima) left Utarsand Gen Hospital and came to Morbi to start this new Hospital.
from small 20 beds hospital running for one year, there was annual function where Shri Rameshbahi Oza again arrived to bless this work. Morbi municiplaity gave land near telephone exchange and new Sadbhavana Hospital was made with generous donation from different donors, notabley ShriOR Patel, Nyalbhai Vora , Arunoday Mills etc.
Today after long journey this hospital had earned reputation with lots of work. Credit's goes to all past and present trustees, doctors, but one can not forget that Shri Rameshbai Oza was saint who was in root to start this Hospital.
(photo from Sandesh Daily dt 2.2.12)
For information to Morbi people this past katha was organised by Sadbhavna parivar and at end of this katha nearly 2 lacs ruppes were saved. From this they wanted to start hopsital. From inspiration of Dr Kanubhai Kalsariya of Mahuva(Now MLA Mahuva) and hard work of Dr Kataria saheb, Jamanbhai Thakkar, Maganbhai Patel(kharedavala), Hargovindkaka, Udaybhai Ved they made trust Sadbhavna Trust was started and asked Chaturbhai Patel Kahreda vala, to give his old shop and building to use for Hospital at Dr Takhtasinhji road. Morbi
Dr Kathiria contacted us and we (Dr Jayanti Bhadesia and Dr Purnima) left Utarsand Gen Hospital and came to Morbi to start this new Hospital.
from small 20 beds hospital running for one year, there was annual function where Shri Rameshbahi Oza again arrived to bless this work. Morbi municiplaity gave land near telephone exchange and new Sadbhavana Hospital was made with generous donation from different donors, notabley ShriOR Patel, Nyalbhai Vora , Arunoday Mills etc.
Today after long journey this hospital had earned reputation with lots of work. Credit's goes to all past and present trustees, doctors, but one can not forget that Shri Rameshbai Oza was saint who was in root to start this Hospital.
(photo from Sandesh Daily dt 2.2.12)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
'Gita' as mediator to learn new languages
I had nice time to be with Shri Ranga Hariji senior pracharak and previous Akhil Bharatiya Baudhik Pramukh of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) to meet authors writing in Sadhana weekly of Gujarat. We met all at Sadhana office . During different talks with all Shri Ranga Hariji told one unique thing. He told that he had learnt many languages by medium of Gita. He said Gita is wel known and one can easily read in Sanskrit and in his mother tonguage too. We know it's meaning easily. He told once I was gifted Gita in Gujarati translation with Sanskrit shlokas. I read each shlokas in Sanskrit then try to understand in it or in my mother tongue Malayalam, then I read Gujarati meaning. It becomes easy to understand Gujarati as we know Gita shlokas already. e.g. Dharma kshetre kurukshetre. In sankrit then in gujrati , will undersatnd that it says Dharma kshetra Eva Kurukshetra ma Lord Krishna says like....
Gita was my agent to learn other languages.
Ranga Hariji had learnt more than 10 languages in
Such way. This is slap to Russian who was going to ban Gita. Gita will be ever learning and guiding tool to
Mankind for years together .
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
મળવા, જાણવા અને માણવા જેવા માણસ...શ્રી મનસુખભાઈ સુવાગીયા
મળવા, જાણવા અને માણવા જેવા માણસ...શ્રી મનસુખભાઈ સુવાગીયા
ધરતી જયારે ગ્લોબલ વોર્મિંગ જેવા ભયાનક સમસ્યાથી ઘેરાઈ ગયી છે ત્યારે પ્રકૃતિ સાથે સંતુલન રાખવા ચેક ડેમ દ્વારા પાણીને જમીન માં ઉતારવા સમગ્ર ગુજરાતમાં જ્લક્રાંતિ કરનાર શ્રી મનસુખભાઈ સુવાગીયા સાચા અર્થમાં ખેડૂત પુત્ર છે .બચપણથી નિર્ભય પિતાનો વારસો લઈને જન્મેલા આ માણસમાં સમાજ માટે ક્યીક કરી છુટવાની ભાવના મૂળથી ધરબાયેલ હતી . પૃથ્વી માતાની માટીમાં રગદોડાયેલ આ માનવીને જયારે ખેતીની જમીન પાણી વાંકે સુકાતી લાગી ત્યારે વરસાદી નાલા ,નદીના પાણી જમીનમાં ઉતારવા નાના બંધ બાંધવાની યોજના મનમાં ઉદભવી. સામાન્ય ભણતર હોવા છતાં, આગવી કોઠા સુજથી ચેક ડેમ યોજના બનાવી .લોકસંગ્રહની વૃતિને કારણે ગ્રામ્ય લોકોને સમજાવી શ્રમ કાર્યમાં જોડ્યા.એટલુંજ નહીં ગ્રામ ફાળો ઉઘરાવી આ પોતાની યોજના હોવાનો ભાવ ઉત્પન કર્યો.જરૂર પડ્યે પોતાનું ગજવું પણ ખાલી કર્યું.જુનાગઢ પાસેના જામકા ગામેથી આરંભાયેલી આ યાત્રા અણથક ચાલી .અનેક સંતો , મહંતો ,નેતાઓ અને સમાજસેવકોએ તેમને જળક્રાંતિ ના પ્રણેતા તરીકે બિરદાવ્યા.સરકારો એ પણ તેમાંથી પ્રેરણા લીધી.આજે ગુજરાતમાં ચેકડેમ વાળા વિસ્તારમાં ખેડૂતો સુખી થયા છે .
તા ૨૯ ડીસેમ્બર ,૨૦૧૧ નાં રોજ તેમના કારખાનેથી ભોજન લઈ તેમનાજ વાહનમાં શ્રી વેલજીભાઈ દેસાઈ(સ્વદેશી ઉદ્યોગકાર) સાથે જામકા જવાનીકળ્યા .રસ્તામાં સુરતના હીરાના ઉદ્યોગપતિ શ્રી ગોવિંદભાઈ ધોળકિયા (ભગત) જોડાયા .સૌ જામકા ગામ પહોચીને સીધા ગામના ખેડૂત બાબુભાઈ નાં ઘેર
ગીર ગાય જોવા ગયા .ગાયની જાત ,ઉછેર ,સ્વાસ્થ્ય ,દૂધનું પ્રમાણ ,વ્યવસ્થા ,સ્વચ્છતા જોઇને દંગ રહી ગયા.
ગીર ગાય ના શ્રી મનસુખભાઈ નું અભિયાન દ્વારા ગામ લોકોની આમદની ,સુખ સમ્પતિ ,અને ખેતી માં વધારો થવાની પ્રતીતિ નજરે થતી હતી .
સૌના મોં પર ચમક દેખાતી હતી .ગાયને કારણે ગામમાં પરિવર્તન આવ્યાનું બધા કબુલતા હતા. ગામનું નંદી ઘર વિશેષ હતું. સારી ઓલાદ ના ખુટથી ગૌવંશ સારો થાય છે .દૂધનું પ્રમાણ વધે છે.નંદી ઘર જોઇને થયું કે દરેક ગામમાં ભગવાનન મંદિર સાથે આ નંદી ઘર ની પણ ખુબજ આવશ્યકતા છે .
જામકા ગામની આસપાસમાં નદી ,નાના નાલા પર પાણી રોકવા ચેક ડેમ બન્યા.પોતાની કોઠા સુજથી , કરકસરવાળી ડીજાઇનથી ,ઓછા ખર્ચમાં , ગામની જ વસ્તુનો ઉપયોગ કરી ,પથ્થર ના તળિયા પરજ પાયા કરીને બંધ બન્યા .૫૧ સંખ્યા થઇ .જમીન પાણીદાર બની. પાક નું પ્રમાણ વધ્યું.ઓછા વીજળી વપરાશથી પિયત થતી ગયી .વધુ સારા પાકથી લોકો સુખી થયા. સાથે સાથે સજીવ ખેતી, ગાયના છાણનો ઉપયોગ ,ગૌમૂત્ર દ્વારા ખેતરો લેહારાતા હતા.પરસોતમભાઈ ની વાડી તેનો સાક્ષાત નમુનો હતી
રામનાથ મહાદેવ ના મંદિરે ગિરનારની ગોદમાં રાતનો દાયરો પણ રંગ લાવ્યો
મનસુખભાઈની મહેનત ,સાથીઓની શ્રમ ભાગીદારી ,ગ્રામનું ગણતર ,કોઠાસુજ, સામાજિક કાર્યની ધગશ , ઈશ્વરની કૃપાના દર્શન જોઇને રુહ્દય ગદગદિત થયી ગયું.ભગવાનને પ્રાર્થના કે દરેક ગામ જામકા બને અને ગામે ગામ મનસુખભાઈ મળે.
તા ૨૯ ડીસેમ્બર ,૨૦૧૧ નાં રોજ તેમના કારખાનેથી ભોજન લઈ તેમનાજ વાહનમાં શ્રી વેલજીભાઈ દેસાઈ(સ્વદેશી ઉદ્યોગકાર) સાથે જામકા જવાનીકળ્યા .રસ્તામાં સુરતના હીરાના ઉદ્યોગપતિ શ્રી ગોવિંદભાઈ ધોળકિયા (ભગત) જોડાયા .સૌ જામકા ગામ પહોચીને સીધા ગામના ખેડૂત બાબુભાઈ નાં ઘેર
ગીર ગાય જોવા ગયા .ગાયની જાત ,ઉછેર ,સ્વાસ્થ્ય ,દૂધનું પ્રમાણ ,વ્યવસ્થા ,સ્વચ્છતા જોઇને દંગ રહી ગયા.
ગીર ગાય ના શ્રી મનસુખભાઈ નું અભિયાન દ્વારા ગામ લોકોની આમદની ,સુખ સમ્પતિ ,અને ખેતી માં વધારો થવાની પ્રતીતિ નજરે થતી હતી .
સૌના મોં પર ચમક દેખાતી હતી .ગાયને કારણે ગામમાં પરિવર્તન આવ્યાનું બધા કબુલતા હતા. ગામનું નંદી ઘર વિશેષ હતું. સારી ઓલાદ ના ખુટથી ગૌવંશ સારો થાય છે .દૂધનું પ્રમાણ વધે છે.નંદી ઘર જોઇને થયું કે દરેક ગામમાં ભગવાનન મંદિર સાથે આ નંદી ઘર ની પણ ખુબજ આવશ્યકતા છે .
જામકા ગામની આસપાસમાં નદી ,નાના નાલા પર પાણી રોકવા ચેક ડેમ બન્યા.પોતાની કોઠા સુજથી , કરકસરવાળી ડીજાઇનથી ,ઓછા ખર્ચમાં , ગામની જ વસ્તુનો ઉપયોગ કરી ,પથ્થર ના તળિયા પરજ પાયા કરીને બંધ બન્યા .૫૧ સંખ્યા થઇ .જમીન પાણીદાર બની. પાક નું પ્રમાણ વધ્યું.ઓછા વીજળી વપરાશથી પિયત થતી ગયી .વધુ સારા પાકથી લોકો સુખી થયા. સાથે સાથે સજીવ ખેતી, ગાયના છાણનો ઉપયોગ ,ગૌમૂત્ર દ્વારા ખેતરો લેહારાતા હતા.પરસોતમભાઈ ની વાડી તેનો સાક્ષાત નમુનો હતી
રામનાથ મહાદેવ ના મંદિરે ગિરનારની ગોદમાં રાતનો દાયરો પણ રંગ લાવ્યો
મનસુખભાઈની મહેનત ,સાથીઓની શ્રમ ભાગીદારી ,ગ્રામનું ગણતર ,કોઠાસુજ, સામાજિક કાર્યની ધગશ , ઈશ્વરની કૃપાના દર્શન જોઇને રુહ્દય ગદગદિત થયી ગયું.ભગવાનને પ્રાર્થના કે દરેક ગામ જામકા બને અને ગામે ગામ મનસુખભાઈ મળે.
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