Today is first day of Kartik Shukla . Just we completed Vikram savant 2069. Now entering in 2070. As such new day is same of everyday . Nothing new in it. But it's called new year day .
Let us think what can be importance of first day in any year . As we have completed our life and its work in last 360 days. We have to take account of these days , what was initial position and our goal at that time and how far we have reached in it. As every businessman does for his business . This is to take stock of last year. Our goals decided and achievement we reached in last year. What were positive points and what were our limitation , where we failed to proceed after deciding direction. Weather our force and direction were proper as we need? Or we have wrong judgement? Who are our friend philosopher and guide to help . What were our wrong tracts or lack of proper preparedness .
After taking last year stock and result now it is time to think for new year too . Just making song and speaking of past is not important . We have put our feet forward. New year brings new charm. We have to wake up ourself and leave behind idleness if any. New day , new year. Just rays of sun and new air should fill our efforts with energy. We have to make new path too if needed. New decisions are important too. We have to make vows in life at this moment. Not only vow making is enough but routes to be calculated too. New Years brings new spirit to our selves .Once we make our mind and decide to go for good things in life , it always happens. One new foot step is needed on this auspicious day. We have to take energy from nature and make our self decisive to go further . There is no way for backwards direction unless we want to make jump higher and it's our strategy for that. Sun had come up with new rays and wind is giving newer smell too. Everything is ready to help us , only thing we have to start ourself . Once we start everything will be proper . God is always with good work and people with truth . Let us pray almighty to welcome Vikram savant 2070 with new zeal and proceed for his work given by Him to full fill our duty in our life
Dr Jayanti Bhadesia
Kartik Shukla 1- Vikram savant 2070 date 4.11.13