Herewith is article of Gopal Gandhi from Times of India dated 13.10.15 He tried to co relate things happening in our country in name of secularism. He tried to analysis in his own way. But now a days it's fashion to talk and blame in each and every situation correlating to RSS.
They can not see that RSS has increased it's strength and followers of Hindutva philosophy too. Not only power at Center and few states in India have RSS swayasevaks in those government but RSS ideology is accepted by more and more people. Even we have effects on international stage too.
Writer says RSS has many elders but few thinkers. We in RSS are all equal. No one is elders and younger. We respect all in same way not only in RSS but in society as whole. Age and work given in rss is for organisation. We have more experience persons that elsewhere . How can he say that less thinkers? To think on his way is only way, then we don't agree. We have our own years old aged ancient way of thinking, not in so called today's pseudo secular people way. We respect and obey our own thinking and we don't want to borrow from so called intellectual.
He told not to overestimate RSS power. We don't believe in power. But we do have strength. We are biggest voluntary organisation in world today with members meeting daily on ground and working for nation and society with character building . We don't believe in political power but only in power of society .Political power comes as by product of true work. We have faith in own people not in political leaders only. RSS has passed many obstacles and opposition and even with politician at on opposite end of our thinking . We have even grown more in opposition time in all way . Please don't compare our growth with political power at government .
We want people of country to be with us not so called pseudo secular . Who are true followers of Nanak and Kabir is known by their behaviour not by writing article
Dr Jayanti Bhadesia