Bharat is country with oldest tradition of culture with Hindutva in all people since years together. Our dharma says all living and non living things in world is made of one element that is called Atma tatva. This is derived from Param tatva..i.c Parmatma.Thus we consider all human beings and animals and creatures have same soul inside.So we believe and behave in way, so that equality is established by itself, what we call it Ekatma Manava Darshan.
Recently I came to hear two facts about our society experiencing ekatmata in all people by honoring to lowest person in society too. Indumatiben Katdhare of Punruthan trust was in my city to give lecture in parent's meet of saraswati shisumandir. She elaborated about practical aspects of Ekatma manav darshan.
In out country at so many places ,girl who is going to marry is given Mangalsutra, which is made by gold chain and black moti. Usually these black moti are brought from different places but it is not finished till few motis not brought from house of Ganika of town(prostitute), This tradition was practiced in past very well and still performed in so many villages and towns. This is to just honour each and every person of same place, including prostitute too. By profession , no one is counted as low unless it is practiced against dharma In olden days Ganika were part of Rajyasabha of any king.
In west Bengal and in so many parts of Bharat Durgapuja is festival of joy and faith. Murti(Statue) made of mud for Durga is made by mud from each corner of village. In this also mud from house of Ganika is brought for making Murti. Thus even goddess is also sacred only when it has contribution from all people of society. These are examples of practically how people still believe and behave for soul of our countryman is one ,ic Ekatma Manava darshan ( Integral Humanism)
This was brought in view to all of us by Pnadi Dindayal Upadhyay, full time worker of RSS(pracharak) and one of founder worker of Bharatiy Jansangh
Recently I came to hear two facts about our society experiencing ekatmata in all people by honoring to lowest person in society too. Indumatiben Katdhare of Punruthan trust was in my city to give lecture in parent's meet of saraswati shisumandir. She elaborated about practical aspects of Ekatma manav darshan.
In out country at so many places ,girl who is going to marry is given Mangalsutra, which is made by gold chain and black moti. Usually these black moti are brought from different places but it is not finished till few motis not brought from house of Ganika of town(prostitute), This tradition was practiced in past very well and still performed in so many villages and towns. This is to just honour each and every person of same place, including prostitute too. By profession , no one is counted as low unless it is practiced against dharma In olden days Ganika were part of Rajyasabha of any king.
In west Bengal and in so many parts of Bharat Durgapuja is festival of joy and faith. Murti(Statue) made of mud for Durga is made by mud from each corner of village. In this also mud from house of Ganika is brought for making Murti. Thus even goddess is also sacred only when it has contribution from all people of society. These are examples of practically how people still believe and behave for soul of our countryman is one ,ic Ekatma Manava darshan ( Integral Humanism)
This was brought in view to all of us by Pnadi Dindayal Upadhyay, full time worker of RSS(pracharak) and one of founder worker of Bharatiy Jansangh