Wednesday, August 20, 2014

To Editor Times of India and Sagarika Ghose

In refernce to her article in Times of India with name" I ask there for I am Hindu"

Dear Editor and Sagarikaji
Please try to read Hindu meaning from book of Radhakrishnan and reference told by Rabindranath Togore.
RSS is telling this deification of Hindu since its birth but now only so called intellectual people have started making noise about it.Hindu is inclusive, never any one can find exclusive as compare to other Semitic religion. Hindu never fears anyone and ready  to get knowledge from all four directions since ages together. Only caution is we should not forget our cardinal principle in accepting other knowledge and thought. It is called Shashvat dharma. Yugadharma changes according to time and need.Good things from anywhere are well come only evil to be prevented and those which don’t suit with our culture can not be accepted. And nobody on world will do that. Science and technology and changing cultural values are different things to interprit for person who  is truly patriotic.They have their own way of life. Swami Vivekananda has told that- every country has own task decided by God-nature, this it's Niyati.
If Israel can ask their educationalist to work out for their country according thier history and culture and many other countries also do same, why we should be ashamed to rewrite our history. Education is not only information and worldly things to learn , it means true understanding do Dharma, society and culture of own with principle of life. All examples given are true but they have  changed there mind after discussion and after answer right answers  and accepted it. e. Arjun said" Karishyemi"
Hindu is tolerant and that’s why “I am Hindu as Hindu have tolerance ” is told by MahatmaGandhi .Bharat is secular due to majority are Hindu. When population fabrics changes, problem arises and experienced by European countries are eye opening. You will never find democracy as in our country at other places. In so many  other countries one cannot even do own prayers in public which is possible in our country.
To synchronize
 Hindustan in discussion with politics is wrong and work of pseudo secular people, but their view are not accepted now as seen in present scenario in our country. This is lesion for them to learn
Dr Jayanti Bhadesia